3rd Advance Course Training for Quezon City GPP Task Force
The Green Public Procurement (GPP) for Quezon City (QC) held its 3rd Advance Course Training for QC’s inter-department GPP Task Force on June 21-22, 2018 at Days Hotel, Tagaytay. PCEPSDI Executive Director Mr. June M. Alvarez and Programmes & Project Director Engr. Maureen Grace V. Lebria with the GPP Taskforce and GPP4QC Project Team The 3rd Advance Course Training for the Green Public Procurement (GPP) Taskforce was finally held on June 21-22, 2018 at Days Hotel Tagaytay. The Advance Course Training was programmed for the GPP Task Force to know more about the technical aspect of the GPP for QC project. This include the presentation of product prioritization result, strategic planning, development of technical specification for environmentally friendly criteria, drafting a policy framework and guideline, and the upcoming activities as the project is at its closing phase. The GPP Task Force had a look back on their responsibilities as stated on Office Order No. 57 Series of 2012, a resolution creating the Green Public Procurement Team to monitor and supervise the GPP Project of Quezon City. This is in preparation for their monitoring strategy when the project has finally closed and if they have decided to fully implement the Green Public Procurement in Quezon City. Photo © Pauline Abello / PCEPSDI Ms. Sandee Recabar of Climate Change Commission on the opportunities of GHG Mitigation on Green Procurement One of the training’s highlight is when Ms. Sandee Recabar of the Climate Change Commission has presented the opportunities of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) mitigation on Green Procurement. Another is the workshop on drafting a technical specification for a product using life cycle considerations. The GPP Taskforce was able to identify criteria with specific means of verification and relevance to the product itself and in the environment. The workshop was meant to have them experience the basic process of drafting a technical specification which is deemed important being a scientific process of addressing and considering the environment on their procurement processes. The Advance Course Trainings was spearheaded by the Philippine Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Inc. (PCEPSDI) in partnership with Quezon City Local Government through the Environmental Protection and Waste Management Department (EPWMD), co-implementers of the UN Environment 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) Project entitled “Establishment of Green Public Procurement (GPP) for Quezon City for the Promotion of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Philippines” dubbed as the GPP4QC Project. To know more about the Green Public Procurement (GPP) Updates please like our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/PCEPSDI/ and search for the #GPP4QC or message us at gpp4qc@gmail.com.