Making the Business Case for Climate Smart Investments: Guidelines for the Tourism Sector
Author: United Nations Environment Programme (2021)
Download the Guidelines here.
These guidelines aim to support tourism sector businesses in identifying potential sources of finance, and in structuring and developing finance proposals for mitigation actions. Although the guidelines focus on accommodation service providers and event organizers with their own venues, the general guidance could also apply to other tourism businesses planning to develop a financial proposal for mitigation actions.
The guidelines start with an overview of the mitigation actions that can be taken in the tourism accommodation sector (Chapter 2). Next, they go through key financial concepts that a business must know in order to develop a business proposal (Chapter 3). Finally, the guidelines provide an explanation of the steps that a business should follow to develop financial proposals within the tourism accommodation sector for a mitigation action (Chapter 4).

A Manual to Measuring and Monitoring Resource Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Hotel and Conference Sector
Author: United Nations Environment Programme (2021)
Download the Manual here, and the Annexes here.
A Manual to Measuring and Monitoring Resource Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Hotel and Conference Sector is aiming to support tourism businesses to measure and improve the performance of their business in resource efficiency and GHG emissions. In particular, it looks at resource efficiency in the accommodation and conference sector in developing and emerging economies. This Manual was developed by the United Nations Environment Programme within the framework of the International Climate Initiative Project-funded project called “Transforming Tourism Value Chains in Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States to Accelerate More Resource-Efficient, Low-Carbon Development”.